
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Maaf Zahir & Batin

Step Into A Larger World

Where The Joy Of Learning & Growing Never Ends

Rskkids New Preschool Uniform

Introducing our new preschool uniform designed by our school! It’s comfy, stylish, and in our school colors with the logo. We hope you and your child will love it!

Ensuring Rskkids Community Stays Safe

Hello, from all of us at Rskkids. We are looking forward to welcoming si kecil to school.
Lots of things have changed in the last few years but one thing has not, our promise to make sure si kecil is safe when with us.


Preschool I Playschool I Childcare


Our Beliefs

At Rumah Si Kecil (Rskkids), we know that a few years before a child goes to school is an exciting time developmentally, so it’s important to choose a preschool program carefully. Our structured Preschool and Playschool programs offer long day hours giving your family greater flexibility and convenience if and when it’s needed. We have qualified Early Childhood Teachers who receive ongoing, up-to-date training and professional support.

We are confident that our teachers will provide tailored learning programs that nurture your child’s individual needs and interests. With Rskkids, your child can get ready for school and life.